Eesti Pagar Rehe bread short film competition

Why did we do it?
Even though Rehe rye bread is the most sold bread in it’s category, it is becoming clear that it’s overall popularity and habit of eating it, is decreasing. First and foremost, we see decreasing trend in younger target group (Estonian and Russian school children in age group 7-18), who haven’t developed habit of eating rye bread and who don’t use it in everyday meals.

What did we do?
During last years content has become king in advertising, so we understood that in order to create relevant content for youth, we should ask them to create it. Another realisation was that video is one of the most important formats, due to Facebook, which is highly boosting  it’s spread. From both key points final decision, to organise short film competition, was born. The theme of the film was rye bread in it’s most wide meaning. As the campaign was mainly for school children, the first channel of the campaign was E-kool. To strenghten the message, ads were added to additional social media channels, such as Instagram and Facebook.

What was the result?
• 57 Short films made it to the competition
• Works came from 14 different counties
• On campaign page 12 120 votes were given
• In Facebook videos were watched more them 37 000 times
• As a result of the competition Eesti Pagar received 79 minutes of film material, which can be used for sharing and being proud of Estonian youth